You Go Girl for God, Part 14

Chapter Three (cont) Words have power, so declare, decree, and make sure it’s a good declaration and decree, otherwise you have to pray for crop failure like we talked about earlier. What happened next was exciting because four hours later after I spoke that out of my mouth as I was going to the bank, […]


You Go Girl for God, Part 13

Chapter Three (cont) They did just as he had said and the people just responded in days, they started bringing mink coats, jewelry, money and all kinds of revenue and throwing it on the platform of the church. Lindsey said that in about 30 days they’re going to build homes in Ukraine. Does God confirm […]


You Go Girl for God, Part 12

Chapter Three (cont) On the drive home, I was thanking Jesus because the Holy Spirit showed up and they had a glorious transaction happen and everything turned around for them in that little tiny town. I tell you that my sister and brother in law were dirt poor, I mean it. They came from that […]


You Go Girl for God, Part 11

Chapter Three I hope you are enjoying my testimonies; they are meant to be a deposit in your life and meant to bring you greater hope. We desire that the people who listen to us have their version of our breakthrough. Russ and I are living in the sweet spot and I’m going to tell you […]


You Go Girl for God, Part 10

Chapter Two (cont) So, I picked up the phone and called, and said, “I’d like to apply for the teller job.” “Hold please.” They gave me to a supervisor. Her name was Georgia somebody. I said, “Yes, ma’am, I would like to apply for the teller position.” She said, “Excuse me, how did you know […]


You Go Girl for God, Part 9

Chapter Two (cont) One day in my restaurant, I had a customer, the only one sitting over on the right side of the place as I remember. The Lord said, “He has a pretty heavy addiction problem; go speak to him.” In this little town of 1500 people, he was one of the worst meth […]


You Go Girl for God, Part 8

Chapter Two (cont) Am I saying we have to be perfect people? Until we get to the other side of always putting God first, we are not going to see human perfection, but we can be working to perfect our spirit in God, and He will reward. On the other side of every act of […]


You Go Girl for God, Part 7

Chapter Two (cont) We are talking about giving away from ourselves. That’s why the gifts were given so that they could be in you, and you can give them away. They are not our gifts, they are His, so we shouldn’t withhold them. When somebody prays in tongues, somebody needs to be there to interpret. […]


You Go Girl for God, Part 6

Chapter Two How many of you would like to have an acceleration in the spiritual gifts that you know are in you, and maybe ones that you don’t know are in you? They can be activated. Paul said, “I desire to be with you that I might impart into you some spiritual gift, to the […]


You Go Girl for God, Part 5

Chapter One (cont) Pastor Tim Schneider who was one of the overseers, like with Women’s Aglow, you have an oversight pastor or two or three, before the gospel according to Cinderella started that night, he stood up and asked forgiveness from every woman in the room, all 600 of us, as a pastor and as […]