Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions: By visiting the Father’s Heart Ministry page and/or availing yourself of the resources therein, you agree to the terms and conditions below. By clicking SUBMIT on any forms submissions therein, you explicitly agree to receive email communication from Father’s Heart Ministry. Additionally, you further consent and agree to the following policies, terms, and conditions: When filling out a form you will be presented with a donation opportunity (encouraged not required). You agree that you are paying for nothing, rather you are either donating or proceeding without donation (with the exception of enrollments or purchases from our online store under the link with the same name).  If you wish, you can mail your request along with your donation to Father’s Heart Ministry P.O. Box 1915 – Branson, Missouri 65615, or call our office to donate at 417.593.9802. Any communication from FHM or our representatives is no substitute for professional advice of any kind and is for religious purposes only. You agree to indemnify FHM and its representatives from any legal proceedings arising from your request and/or our responses to you. You agree that prophetic words and/or any ministrations or services, prayers, etc. are gifted as an intangible religious benefit in appreciation for your voluntary (not compulsory) donation. We do not sell or exchange such for remuneration. We do NOT require contributions. Requests are handled on a first-come, first-served basis may or may not receive a response applying to or sent to more than one person. You may receive more than one response depending on how many team members are assigned to pray for you. Content distributed by FHM is for edification, exhortation, and comfort (According to 1 Cor. 14:1-3). FHM does not provide psychic readings or clairvoyant readings of any sort. Our purpose is to speak to the purposes of God in your life, not to give a psychic or clairvoyant reading. Father’s Heart Ministry is a 501c3 entity recognized by the IRS as formed for charitable and religious purposes.

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