You Go Girl for God, Part 9

Chapter Two (cont)

One day in my restaurant, I had a customer, the only one sitting over on the right side of the place as I remember. The Lord said, “He has a pretty heavy addiction problem; go speak to him.” In this little town of 1500 people, he was one of the worst meth dealers and users. I didn’t know that at the time. I walked up to his table as he was eating a cheeseburger. I said, “Hi, I was over there praying for you, and God said He knows about the addiction you have.” He looks up at me like, “Wait; What? Don’t play games with me!” I said, “I don’t know, but God told me,” and He also said that You need to return to the God of your mother.” He started crying. The Spirit was all over me, and my mouth said, “you need a place, and it’s called the Hope Center. It’s not built now, but it’s going to be, somewhere on a corner, by one of the three entrances into town. You’re going to go there and find all kinds of help that you are going to need.

Three years later, a small Assemblies of God church in town burnt down. They rebuilt the church across the street on the highway called Hope Church, Assemblies of God. He went there and got set free. You can’t make this stuff up, so why not stir it up? Why not? Somebody’s life might be at stake. Sometimes the Father will just drop a word into your spirit, like yesterday, He said, “Kitty, pray this.” It was the farthest thing from my mind, but I said, “Ok.” He said, “pray this; give me something to work with” because words have power.” Life and death are in the power of the tongue. So even if you have to do it scared, do it! Amen, run to the Lord. Cinderella, she shouldn’t have run away, she should run to the Lord. She hadn’t sinned, she was just an innocent victim in what happened to her.

The plans God has for our lives He will bring to pass if we stay faithful to Him. I knew God wanted me to preach and evangelize and have a fruitful marriage and family life. One time when I was between jobs, and I had finished working for the Promise Theater for six years of helping there, and about a year had gone by as I was staying home. My former spouse said I had to go back to work. I had worked since I was 17 and had been married to him for 37 years. He was born again, but he didn’t want to serve Jesus. He just wanted to sit in front of the tv with the remote control and wait for Jesus to come and get him. That’s just not who I am, but I was faithful to that marriage until we divorced. Now I am married to Russell Walden. I was seeking first the Kingdom of God, and I ran smack dab into him because I was seeking first the Kingdom of God. Got it? Thank You, Lord. He will do whatever He can to get you to go on that path that He has set before you regardless of who likes it and who doesn’t. Amen.

The first prophetic word Russell Walden ever gave me was when he came and preached for me at my restaurant church. At that time he didn’t’ know me, he walked over and said, “You, young lady are a ballistic missile for God, and not everybody is going to like what happens to you. So, if they don’t, just let them experience the woodshed of God.” It happened, just like that, but God’s in charge of that, and I’m not. Hallelujah.

I have always preached Jesus everywhere I’ve worked. I was a Marketplace Minister before they had Marketplace Ministers. It wasn’t even a term. I was just doing it because it’s who He is on the inside of me. So, I was asking the Father while I was sitting on the couch one day, “Father, you know I need a job. Could you please give me some inspiration because I don’t know what to do?” Instantly, I see a sign; it’s a circle that says FCB. It was a circle on a sign in front of a bank downtown in Branson. I said, “Ok.” He said, “Open the phone book.” We don’t have phone books nowadays, but I opened the phone book and saw FCB, First Community Bank. He said, “Call them up and tell them you want the teller job.” Well, “Ok.” I’ll do it because He has a track record in my life by now, and I know I can trust Him

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  • Alan Bowman says:

    Brilliant. Loved reading this its really fiery and stirring me when I read it. I know Kitty’s book will be a must read for me personally to encourage me in prophecy. I have forwarded this excerpt to 2 others on Facebook including my daughter.