Online Prophetic Internship Courses
Welcome to the enrollment page for the Online Prophetic Internship Courses. You can learn to hear God’s voice with clarity and accuracy as taught by Prophet Russ Walden! Below you will find course descriptions and links to enroll.
Since 2010, over 15,000 people just like you have benefited from these dynamic courses. In this exciting online school, you will proceed at your own pace*, viewing the videos, studying the downloadable PDF’s, and participating in the available activation exercises from the comfort of your own home environment!
Be sure to read the testimonials at the bottom of the page. Using the links in the table below, you can enroll in “Course 101 Activating the Prophetic” which is not just for beginners but lays the groundwork for the other five courses. You may choose from one of the advanced courses at your discretion. The courses are listed in the order that we recommend that you take them to get the most out of them, build relationships and participate in the many ministry opportunities with FHM. Click link for more information and to view the Breakthrough and Mentorship Programs.

Enrolling Now for the August 24th Rotation
Six Courses to Choose from, One Building Upon the Other for a Well Rounded View of the Prophetic!
[All Courses are conducted online, including video-on-demand, downloadable PDF studies, and online activation forums where you interact and practice with other interns. In the forums, you will be mentored in prophesying to other interns and enjoy receiving personal prophecy as well from those who, like you are being trained in a safe, learning environment with live course assistants there to help.]
NOTE: For the Extended Courses of the Breakthrough School – Click HERE
Online Prophetic School Courses
What Happens After You Enroll:
Within a day after enrollment, you will receive a welcome e-mail with details (or you may contact course administration at; or text/call our office at 417.593.9802 and ask for Katie Kahre). Be sure to check your spam folder, etc., in the event the orientation e-mail sent lands outside your inbox.
Note: For those who do not use online transactions: If you would like to mail in your donation for the course here is the address (be sure to include “Prophetic Course” in your donation memo and specify Course 101, 102 etc. you wish to take [check or money order]:
Father’s Heart Ministry
P.O. Box 1915
Branson, MO 65615
God bless you! It is our privilege to train you to hear the Father’s voice!