Giving Day

He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh. Have you wondered what’s so funny? The threatenings of the enemy are humorous in the light of My sovereignty, says the Father. Fret not thyself because of evildoers. Refuse to trouble yourself over wicked men who prosper in their way. I Am the God who sits in […]


Giving Day

Beloved – one person walking with Me is always in the majority. My name is Advocate. I am ALL advocate, ALL the time, and I have never lost a case in the court of heaven. I Am on your side, says the Father. I have adjudicated on your behalf, and the gavel of heaven has […]


Daily Prophetic Word Opportunity

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Daily Prophetic Word E-mail Frequency Change As we mentioned previously, our frequency has had to change due to email service price increases, from daily to only 24 emails per month. After we made this announcement, friends and partners responded by wanting to contribute to a fund to keep the emails coming over the […]


You are Being Prepared for the Glory of God

I have rent the veil of obscurity and separation on the inside of you that you might go in and out and find pasture in My glory, says the Father. These are the still waters that flow from under My throne into the dry and parched places on the inside of you until you are […]


Get Ready for Fullness – God’s River of Blessing is About to Break Even NOW

Giving Day My life is manifesting in you this day, says the Father, even as My dying has constantly been the testimony of your yielded heart, says God. In your mortality, you will taste and see the truth of the resurrection applied to your eternity and applied to every mundane need in your situation – […]


The Richness of God’s Promise is Filling Every Void in Your Heart and Life

I have remembrance of the deep devotion of your youth, says the Father. Your heart burned with zeal, and you cried out for the fullness of My plan for you. Then life intervened, situations changed, and circumstances didn’t work out as you expected. I’m here to tell you, beloved, that “Plan A” is still on […]


You Are Coming to the Place of Deep Waters and Full Provision

You are the flock of My inheritance this day, says the Father. I Am shielding you, protecting you, and bringing you into the place of deep waters and full provision beyond that which you’ve experienced in times past. Say to your spirit man, “drink deeply of the wells that the Father is opening to you….” […]


You are Coming to a Face-to Face Encounter with the Father

The light of My countenance is shining down upon you this day, says the Father. As a shepherd shows his face to the flock in the morning, so I Am bringing you into a face-to-face encounter with Me. The clouds of confusion? They are dissipating. The heavens of brass? They melt like wax at the […]


God is the Rock Under Your Feet that is Sure and Unshakeable

It’s time to anchor your sense of self-referral and peace in Who I Am in your life and in nothing else, says the Father. Things change. People change. Situations shift but I Am the rock under your feet that is sure and unshakeable. I say to you that the dry desert is about to blossom […]