You Go Girl for God, Part 1

In Honor of Mama Kitty’s Life and the Impact She has Made on All of Us, We Share Her Book to Bless You at the One Year Anniversary of Her Going Home to Be with Jesus
Chapter One

The Father told me to “tell those things that you have seen and heard.” Do you know that the book of Acts is not finished? We are still living, and we’re still doing the Acts of God. He said, “I Am the same yesterday, today and forever,” and He is still doing miracles, signs, and wonders. You know, I can read about what happened to Paul on the road to Damascus, but it helps to meet somebody with flesh and blood who has had some life experiences who are the real deal with God, and it bears witness in your spirit.

I have experienced some amazing miracles, signs, and wonders in my life, and the Lord told me I am supposed to share some of those things with you in this book. I want to encourage you, I want to inspire you, and I want to tell you right up front that if you read about any good thing, it’s not me because I know that without the breath of God in my lungs, I am dead meat. Just so we can clear the air in the beginning. I am going to tell you that He is a good God, and He does miracles; He does signs; He does wonders. He wants to inspire us as people, to reach out further beyond ourselves to help other people. If you can believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him, then you will see satisfaction because He will ask you to do some things and when you do them, He will perform His Word with signs following. So, I want to encourage you with some experiences that I’ve had. The scripture that I would like to use as the theme is 1 John 1:4; 

[1 John 1:4] “That which was from the beginning, which we’ve heard, which we’ve seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched, this we proclaim concerning the Word of Life.” 

Life appeared and we have seen it. I have seen some things. I’ve tasted some things; some heavenly things. I’m not afraid to testify of them. The scripture says, what we have seen, we testify to it, we proclaim to you that eternal life, which was with the Father, it has appeared to us. Those of you who are seeking first the Kingdom of God, you have seen some stuff, and you need not be shy about sharing the things that you’ve seen from the Father with others. You need to inspire; you need to encourage for this very purpose.

One of my favorite scriptures in the whole wide world and what my life is about is Isa. 61. By the end of my message, you are going to see how it has operated in my life and will continue to operate.

Isa. 61:1-3; The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, Kitty Walden, because the Lord has anointed me, Kitty Walden, to proclaim good news to the poor, He sent me to bind up brokenhearted people, He sent me to proclaim freedom for people that are captive and to release from darkness those that are in prison, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor, the day of the vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn.

Not just some, not just the clean ones and the pretty ones, but all who mourn.

And to provide for those who grieve in Zion, to bestow on them a crown of beauty for ashes and the oil of joy for mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called the oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, for the display of His splendor.

The Father told me that this is the gospel, according to Cinderella. So, I said to Him. “Now You know Father that I have to have chapter and verse if I’m going to say a gospel according to Cinderella.” So, it was some time ago that He gave me this theme, and He said he would tell me where it is appropriate to share it and the time, so I had a huge conference, and I was the keynote speaker to bring the Cinderella story. I’m going to share part of that. This is how the Lord gave this to me. 

I was driving down a street in Springfield, MO, where I lived before I moved to Arizona and was on my way to get a part for something I needed in the restaurant that I owned. I thought I knew where I was going. I turned off the main street and turned onto a side street that was going into a residential area. Immediately, I thought, garage sale, yay God, but no, there were no garage sales or signs out. So, I said, “Ok, Father, what is up?” He said, “Stop the car.” Now, I am telling you that I have trained my spirit to hear His Spirit, “My Sheep know My voice.” Do you know you can hear His voice? My Sheep know My voice and another voice they won’t follow. I have had years of practicing and practicing, which makes for more perfect practice. You get results. It’s like moving that arm muscle, you keep working it, and it gets stronger and stronger, and you can accomplish more.

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