The Father Says Today: November 3rd, 2021

The Father says today, when you walk in the midst of trouble, I will be with you. When it seems you are backed into a corner with no other way to turn, know that I Am working ALL THINGS together for you good – no matter what it looks like. Things in the mirror appear larger than they really are, even in the direst of circumstances, I Am able to move by your faith. Faith is substance, faith is real, faith can grow if it’s fed with My Word. Faith can also be feeble and shrivel as well by starvation of My Word which also brings, doubt, unbelief and fear. Focus instead on what I Am doing, not what’s going on around you. You are not ignorant of the devil’s devices when you are being led by My Spirit within you. My abilities will begin to manifest through you at a higher level than you’ve yet experience.

This is what is required to do the works of Jesus and greater works than those. It will require greater faith, greater confidence and greater boldness. You must be fully persuaded that what I promised, I AM able also to perform it in your life and through your life to help others. This is the goal, Christlikeness. You are made in My image; therefore, you are made of God stock. When I said, Seek My face, your heart said, your face Lord, will I seek. For in the day of trouble, I will hide you in My shelter and set you high upon a rock. Your head shall be lifted above your enemies round about and you will offer the sacrifice of praise with shouts of joy when My mercy and grace are on full display in your midst.

Georgette Thompson

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