When Man’s Pride Clashes with God’s Honor

The drive home from church tonight was filled with a disquieting echo in my spirit and bouncing off the walls of my mind. It lingered around the clash between two seemingly opposing forces: honor and humility. The story of Saul and Samuel, a king’s arrogance pitted against a prophet’s unwavering obedience, resonated deeply within me. Saul, faced with the undeniable truth of his disobedience, prioritized the appearance of honor above all else. He pleaded with Samuel not for forgiveness but for preserving his public image. “Honor me,” he demanded, “before the elders of my people and before Israel.” This desperate plea revealed his misplaced priorities, where personal glory outweighed obedience and accountability to God. His words triggered a reflection within me, a stark examination of my own heart. How often do I, like Saul, prioritize the outward perception of myself over genuine humility and repentance? How often do I mask my transgressions under a facade of good works and outward piety, fearing the consequences of exposure more than the offense against God himself? The words in My spirit echoed again, reminding me of David, a man whose sin was arguably greater than Saul’s. Yet, in the face of his transgression, David chose a different path. He embraced humility, repented openly, and took responsibility for his actions. He held nothing back, laying bare his sin even at the cost of personal humiliation and public shame. And what was God’s response? Instead of judgment, there was mercy. David’s genuine repentance, devoid of self-preservation, allowed God to cover his transgression. This act of grace stands in stark contrast to Saul’s fate, whose refusal to acknowledge his sin and prioritize God’s honor led to his downfall.

The message was clear: God’s kingdom is not built on men who choose pride or perceived expediency over humility. It is not built on those who sweep their offenses under the rug, fearing the consequences of exposure. His kingdom rests upon the shoulders of those who, like David, embrace repentance and choose to honor God above all else, even when it means sacrificing their own reputation and standing. I know I have sinned. I have sinned egregiously and reaped bitter consequences and somehow God showed me grace and here I am still making myself, imperfect, bruised, and vulnerable yet used by God. It brings the fear of God in me beyond what I could express. But what about the “the ministry” or “the souls involved.”? There will always be false counselors around, alleged “protectors of the anointing,” and if you listen to them at the wrong time, it could cost you far more than you know. Are our ministries “too big to fail”? The word God bubbled up in my spirit offered a chilling truth: God, in His infinite power and honor, will allow even these seemingly monumental works to crumble if they are not built upon the foundation of genuine repentance and obedience. He will not allow His own name to be tarnished by the sins of men who prioritize their own glory over His. Are you listening? If you are applying this to anyone other than yourself and all those compartmentalized iterations of fleshly activity and ungodliness over the God who kicks down all the walls and purpose above all else to bring glory to Himself even when man won’t.  Instead, He will raise up those who, like the stones cast aside, choose to humble themselves and embrace His will. From seemingly nothing, He will build works far exceeding anything those who sought to protect their own honor could have ever imagined.

This realization struck me like a bolt of lightning, shattering my preconceived notions and exposing the fragility of pride. It was a stark reminder that true honor lies not in self-preservation, but in humility and repentance. It is in choosing to acknowledge our sin, in seeking forgiveness, and in taking responsibility for our actions, even when it means facing the consequences. The drive home tonight became for me, a journey of introspection. It was a confrontation with my own pride and a humbling reminder of the truth: God’s honor will always prevail, regardless of the human efforts to conceal or manipulate. It is a truth that demands humility, repentance, and a willingness to let go of our own desires and priorities in order to embrace His will. And in that surrender, we find not only forgiveness but also a purpose far greater than anything we could ever achieve on our own. As I pulled into my driveway, the echo of the sermon still reverberated within me, a constant reminder of the choice I must make: Will I prioritize my own honor, or will I choose the path of humility and repentance, embracing God’s will and allowing Him to build something far greater than anything I could ever imagine? The answer is clear, and the journey has just begun.

Note: Of course there will be those who will say “why, you are referring to thus and so….” and in so doing excuse yourself and leave yourself open to the outcome that Saul experienced rather than the grace that David received. 

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