The Father Says Today – April 1st, 2024

The Father says today, listen closely. I am making all things new in your life. It’s time to shed the heaviness that’s weighed you down. Put on your dancing shoes, the ones you’ve kept tucked away out of disuse. Consider this a divine invitation to rediscover joy. Dust off any instrument you may have neglected, for there will be music in your heart again. Open yourself to this fresh wave of gladness, a wellspring I’ve prepared especially for you. The tears you’ve shed will no longer define your days. The long nights spent waiting, yearning for answers that seemed elusive, are over. Don’t dwell on that period of unanswered prayers. My timing is perfect, even when it feels like silence. My angels surround you. They are not distant figures but present “wall to wall” and “floor to ceiling” in your life. They are here to usher in this newness, to be your constant companions on this path forward.

Perhaps a question lingers: do you doubt my love for you? Look to the Cross. There, on that rugged instrument of sacrifice, see the ultimate expression of my unwavering devotion. Then, turn your gaze to the throne, a symbol of my power and majesty. Finally, look within your own heart and life. See the evidence of my hand in all you’ve overcome, the blessings you’ve received, even in the midst of hardship. Pay close attention to how this day unfolds. Notice the subtle nudges, the unexpected opportunities. When you lay your head down tonight, reflect on the events that transpired. Remember, I am faithful. Trust that I do all things well and that this new season I bring will be a testament to my love for you.

Prophet Russ – I am Quick to Sow into the
Fulfillment of this word in My life – Today!

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Now, mix this word with some faith by sowing into its fulfillment in your life. The faith it takes to give into a prophetic word is equivalent to the faith involved in bringing that very word to pass in your situation. Act now because your response time in giving is a metric for God’s timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation. 

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