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My Isha, My Kitty, My Spouse

Dear Kitty, my Isha: Twenty-two years ago I called you to the front of your church the day I met you. I took your hand and prophesied to you that you were a ballistic missile for God. Twelve years later our paths crossed again and we married three years later. We began a decade-long adventure […]


Seven Levels of the Prophetic – Then What?

There are seven levels of prophetic office that we teach about in our online prophetic school. One of those is called “Oracle Prophecy.” It is a place in the prophetic where things happen BECAUSE the prophet speaks it. In these cases, the prophet is not predicting your future but establishing your destiny. I frequently move […]


Special Report on the COVID-19 Situation

This is Russ and Kitty Walden, and this is a special report from Father’s Heart Ministry to our friends, supporters, viewers, and listeners of the Morning Light Bible Study (see video below and text version following):   Morning Light – Special Report   In recent days the COVID-19 situation has captured the attention of the […]


Outstanding Miracles in Salem, Oregon (Video)

Outstanding Miracles. In this meeting two dozen people reported significant healing, one person was healed of MS and put away her walker and one man was raised out of a wheelchair showing x-rays of two broken legs and a broken collar bone – he left his wheelchair on the platform and walked out of the […]


GLORY and HONOR Conference – Oct. 7-11 in Sterling, VA

Join Russ and Kitty October 7-11 for the  Glory and Honor Conference   with Apostle Ricardo Watson Register Here “In this conference, the GLORY that others DIED trying to get to – you will enter!” ~ Apostle Ricardo Watson Apostle Ricardo Watson is a man arising from another era – a time when miracles were constant and […]


This is YOUR Turnaround Time!

This is your turnaround time! A time of radical change and massive breakthrough that you have been longing for! Hi, we’re Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden of Father’s Heart Ministry. Twelve years ago, Kitty and I experienced extensive changes in our life that catapulted us into a worldwide ministry. Directed by the Holy Spirit, critical […]


Are You Prophetic or Are You a Prophet? Find Out!

Online Classes Begin Nov. 13th! Beginner  – Intermediate – Advanced What is the difference between being PROPHETIC and being a PROPHET? Do your friends describe you as being “prophetic?” When you introduce yourself in a spiritual setting do you refer to being a prophet or being prophetic? There is a difference and our online classes are designed to CLARIFY […]