Answers to Your Questions:

The_Thinker_Musee_RodinYou’ve been asking – are you ready for answers?
Things are the way they are because of what you are doing – if you want something different you must do something different.
[Mat 6:33 Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all shall be added unto you.

In other words: you get to have it all. God is not holding out on you.
1.) Never let anyone sell your dreams short.
2.) Never allow doubt to infect your thinking about what is possible in your life.
3.) Know that God is with you and will never leave you or forsake you.
4.) Make the radical choices to excise ANYTHING or ANYONE from your field of vision that distracts you from seeking the kingdom.
5.) Know that RIGHTEOUSNESS is God’s ENTITLEMENT in your life – by the shed blood of Calvary. You are a beneficiary of KINGDOM ENTITLEMENT.
6.) Realize that not everyone in your life will stay with you if you choose to accept what God says about you.
7.) Love them (on God’s terms) and LET THEM GO.
8.) Do not let this sun go down today without doing SOMETHING in SOMEWAY to RADICALLY commit to God’s promise in your life as you understand it.
10.) Don’t fear making a mistake. God waits for mistakes to trigger breakthroughs.
11.) Reject ANY teaching, teacher, leader or mentor who makes you feel small or insignificant in the plan of God.
12.) Be brutally honest with yourself about things in your character that contradict God’s nature as revealed in the scriptures.
13.) Take TOTAL responsibility for yourself. Be your own accountability partner – it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY you will submit consistently to any other authority.
14.) Refuse to listen to your critics unless you are willing to DO WHAT THEY SAY or to make them THE authority in your life. (Put’s it in perspective, yes?).
15.) Go find an anointing BIGGER than yours, realizing a GREATER VISION than yours, walking in a HEAVIER GLORY than you are experiencing AND by whatever means necessary get in that person’s life – it will rub off.
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