The Father Says Today: October 26th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today show kindness to those that are out of the way. Move in love and compassion even toward those who despitefully use you and speak evil against you falsely. Be kind and choose the way of love for that is the only mercy they shall find because they have set themselves in array against My purposes in your life. There is no need to prattle and rage and complain. Just love them. Just do good to them for they have no idea that in touching you they have touched the pupil of My eye.
You see says the Father that I will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you. Those that trifle with you I will EXECRATE from your life and that might speedily. So refuse to be intimidated says the Father. Know that when the enemy does his worst I will do My best and therefore you know the outcome don’t you? So be at ease and choose to be magnanimous even to those who abuse and malign and slander your name. They have not assaulted you they have assaulted Me. I will account them as the small dust of the balance and I will bring about a beneficial and just outcome for I am your advocate and I am adjudicating in your behalf.

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