The Father Says Today: November 9th, 2022

The Father says today, no more postponement and no more delay. I am giving you joy right now. When the angels assigned to you look at your face today, they will say, “your smile is just like your Father’s!” Be buoyant. Be focused. Keep your attention on My goodness and My sovereignty. Never, EVER make allowances for not being happy. Joy is My identity and My character. Joy is your inheritance and your portion. Receive My joy. Accept even the stigma of joy, because those around you will account for your buoyancy of spirit to be a sign of a lack of maturity. Those that think that way have no clue how ignorant they are of My priorities in their lives.

Be joyful! He that sits in heaven shall laugh. Laughter is your first response and just deflates the enemy. The enemy thinks he has you on the ropes and you are about defeated, and then you smile, wink, and laugh and say, “is that ALL you’ve got, devil”? That is the warrior spirit, says the Father. That is the audacity of a favored son, beloved. You are favored, and you are My entitled one. Step into the fray today and extract victory from defeat and joy from heaviness, and I will give you beauty for ashes in an unprecedented way.

Prophet Russ Walden

Prophet Russ – No More Postponement – No More Delay!

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  • Moira+Shole says:

    Today my smile is just like my Father’s. The joy of the Lord is my strength.