The Father Says Today: November 23rd, 2021

The Father says today, change isn’t change until it’s changed. The path you are on is different than you anticipated but necessary for My full promise to be made manifest. Don’t judge the situation or assume that loss or heartache are all that is ahead. I know the way that you take. I Am with you and will never leave you nor forsake you. I have prepared you and I Am carrying you as a mother carries a baby in her arms. Trust Me. Let Me take it from here.

I never called you to be a “fixer” says God. When Uzzah steadied the Ark, he died because he looked to his own strength and not My glory. The situation you are in may go topsy turvey but that doesn’t mean I’m not in control. This very day I am turning the axis of your circumstance from heartbreak and pain to unprecedented favor and blessing. Take a breath. Breath in My faithfulness and breathe out all worry. I’m here and I’m working – you need not fear.

Prophet Russ Walden

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