The Father Says Today: November 18th, 2023

The Father says today; I am beckoning you into a deeper realm of intimacy with Me, leading you to profound depths within My kingdom. The remnants of idolatry crumble before you, paving the way for a fresh discipline of prayer. Within you resides an innate grace for prayer, a divine gift that empowers you to open your heart and make your petitions known. Even during My earthly walk, I offered prayers with unwavering intensity, a necessity despite My perfect humanity and sinless nature. Prayer was not merely an option; it was a lifeline. If I found prayer indispensable in My flawless existence, how much more essential is it for you? Prayer, a daily practice of verbal entreaty, is as vital to your survival as the breath you draw. Reorient your mind towards a life of prayer, channeling energies once wasted towards Me in earnest supplication. This investment will yield rich dividends, manifesting tangible blessings in your life. Heed the fresh call of My voice today. Are you listening, My sheep? Are you yielding to My guidance? Harden not your hearts, for a prayer movement is sweeping across the earth, and you are among the first to receive this invitation.

My people of this generation will ascend to a level of prayer unseen since the first century. The battle is not over; it is merely a prelude to victory. Gird yourselves to transform the spoils of earth into heavenly bounty, both for yourselves and your communities. Embrace the mantle of dominion and reign bestowed upon you from before the dawn of time. As this mantle envelops you, I, the Lion of Judah, shall rise within you, guiding your steps, empowering your voice, shielding your mind, and leading you to triumph over your adversaries. Redemption for the captives awaits, as I have promised. This is your heritage, your calling, your commission, chosen by Me today and for all eternity.

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  • Nelson Barbara says:

    I am so happy to hear this word.. It is the way that THE MOST HIGH USED ME IN MY FORMER CHURCH HOME..
    for many years. The manifestations happened very often.. I am so grateful for your guidance.. My offering will come on the 3rd of Each month..