The Father Says Today: November 12th, 2022

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The Father says today that My love is an endless bounty over you today. Yes, it is true that you fail, and you falter, and even shame My purposes at times. I am not expecting you to fail – I am expecting you to become a success in My kingdom. I take no pleasure in pummeling you with condemnation or shame. I don’t do shame, and I don’t do blame. When shame and blame are leveled at you, even by the illegitimate authorities of religious mentalities, know that I am at your back. I am your rear guard, and I go before you in all things. So what if you are criticized? So what if they are fasting and praying that you will falter and fail? If I am for you, it doesn’t matter who is against you!

So relax, and take your eyes off what people are doing around you to frustrate your purpose. Your success is determined by My hand and not man’s. No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Do not be distracted or discouraged because others gainsay your testimony, for, even so, they disparaged Me in the days of My earthly sojourn. There is nothing to be gained by rehearsing the criticisms of those who never see anything positive unless it originates with them or profits them in some way. They are blind leaders of the blind whose plans and opinions change like the winds of chance. You will be established. You will be left standing when all others who malign, vilify and tear you down are but a distant memory.

Prophet Russ – I Want You to Be the Prophet in My Life!

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Prophet Russ Walden

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Current Address: Father’s Heart Ministry, P.O. Box 14127, Springfield, Missouri 65814
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