The Father Says Today: May 23rd, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today you can trust Me with your heart. I am not an austere distant figure without compassion for your needs, desires or what you have suffered. I am touched with the feelings of your infirmities and weaknesses. There is no pressure put upon you in any circumstance that I have not experienced. I sting with the blow that lands upon you. My heart aches with the disappointment that has been visited upon you and the betrayals you may have suffered. I am not a God who sits aloof nodding his head in benign acknowledgement of some cryptic reason why I would be pleased to see you suffer torment. This is the GREAT LIE that religious mentalities have accorded My character. They HAVE ME ALL WRONG says the Father and I am going to prove this by coming to your rescue.
So let your mouth pray says the Father and know that I am the hero. I am coming through for you on time and on target in dramatic acts of deliverance and blessing. With blessing I will bless you. With favor will I compass you as with a shield. The fiery darts and javelins of the wicked one are extinguished in the crimson flow of the shed blood that still flows to you and for you in healing and benefit. Receive of My passion today says the Father. Let the passion of the cross be the foundation of the promises that I have made you. I am not reticent to make promises says the Father. Take My words of life and tuck them in your pocket and in obvious places as you go about your day. When you see that reminder just smile – for they are just reminders of the end of the thing that I am working in your life in this season.

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