The Father Says Today: May 17th, 2022

The Father says today, it’s time to awaken from your slumber and apathy so that you can recognize, rise and walk through the doors opening before you, even this day. Just as the blossoms open and emit a beautiful fragrance, in the spring, you are opening to the fresh perspective of a new day dawning in your life. It’s a new day for My people, so arise and shine; arise to new life. Allow it to spring forth from inside of you. As My joy overflows your heart into your being, it releases My strength, My laughter which is good medicine to your body and your soul.

Don’t allow negative circumstances surrounding your current situation to cloud what I Am doing. Your steps of faith in the midst of adversity shake off the past and the shadows of failure or lack that try to continually attach itself to you. Each step you take draws your desired outcome to you. Each word you speak in agreement with My will for your life causes one more crack in the shell of insecurity and fear that holds you captive. The light is breaking forth now as your complacency gives way to the results of consistent effort and persistent giving. Having stood the test of time, you can overflow with My love and abundance this day to calm the storm and still the shaking in your life, as you begin to shine now with a brighter radiance than ever before.

Georgette Thompson

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