The Father Says Today: June 12th, 2022

The Father says today, join Me in the place of prayer. Each and every day you come to Me, you will find Me praying. It is even as I said in My word; I Am EVER INTERCEDING. As you rise in the morning, come alongside and join Me in the place of prayer. Join Me, and before you open your mouth – pause to hear the words coming from My heart and pray those prayers. I Am praying for you, and I Am praying for those around you. I Am praying for kings and nations, and I Am praying for the destitute and forgotten. Pray specifically and pray determinately. Pray for your rulers and those you are accountable to and for day by day.

Come alongside Me in intercession, says the Father. The bridal season has come, and I will have a bride washed in prayer and cleansed in intercession because they hear My voice and join Me behind the lattice in the place of intimacy. So come near, says the Father. Come near and seek My face before you seek the face of man. You have asked for change and this is where it starts. You must align yourself with My mind and my heart each and every day, and that alignment with heaven will produce heaven’s characteristics in your life.

Prophet Russ Walden

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  • A Reed says:

    This is confirmation to what I prayed. Yesterday, I discussed with the Heavenly Father, Lord, God Almighty how it seems my prsyers are not completely focus on Him in a quiet intimate manner but while I am doing other things at the same time. Fly by prayers. I repent and ask for help. Thank you so much for confirming the Father heard me. This is encouraging as I go through a very difficult time. Blessings, Shalom and Agape. 👀🙏🏽📖❤