The Father Says Today: July 3rd, 2022

The Father says, I Am the light that lights every man that comes into the world. My light, My substance, is the native environment and spiritual habitat you were created to thrive in all your days. Enter into thriving and abundance today. Open the expectancy of your faith, for all darkness to flee and barrenness evaporate in the fullness of what I Am pouring out upon you in this very moment. That is cause for rejoicing. That is cause for taking down the harps of celebration from the willows of past regret. Come out of regret, beloved. Come out of mourning about what was and step into the life flowing from My throne into your belly and out into every blessing place in your path.

The prison door is open, says God. The chains are gone. Impediment is removed. Joy comes. Joy in abundance and peace like an overflowing current of My goodness. This day I Am bringing you to the saturation point of My favor. You are breaking out on the right hand and the left. Dry leaves of dead dreams are being moistened with My mercy and springing up to full manifestation as though in a day. That which was from the beginning of My goodness, My chosen destiny for you, My mercy and lovingkindness toward you is breaking down the prison walls that have held you back and held you bound that you might come forth into the Edenic entitlement that is your blood-bought provision this day.

Prophet Russ Walden

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  • A Reed says:

    I receive this glorious prophetic word. I feel it in my spirit. It is time. The Glory of the Lord will prevail
    and be revealed. Thank you so much. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.👀🙏🏽📖❤