The Father Says Today: February 7th, 2024

The Father says today’s purpose in your heart to be a non-toxic Christian. When others revile you with the words of their mouth, bless them. When they ignore you in your suffering, go out of your way to show them you care and, more importantly, that I care about what is happening in their lives. When those around you engage in malicious words and gossip about others, even those who have defamed you, hurt you, and put you down, refuse to join in, for surely those words and the tenor of those words will determine what happens next in the lives of those who give themselves the luxury of slandering those for whom I sent Heaven’s Darling to the Cross for their redemption. Make it your determination to be in love, to think in love, to act in love, and to walk in love. Not everyone will get it or understand, in fact they will go out of their way to press you and to provoke your flesh against them because they can never accept the testimony of one whose love, tolerance and generosity of spirit is greater than your own. The days are evil says the Father, don’t let that evil, the pernicious influence of the world and even the jaded, lapsed attitude of those who name My name on their lips. Come away, My beloved, out of the hue and din of negativity and the cacophony of shrill, angry voices. I’m not angry; why are you angry? Were I angry I would consume the earth and all that is therein in a moment of time by the breathe of My nostrils. My love restrains Me. My love for you that sent Jesus to the Cross caused Me to pour ALL My wrath out upon Him till He cried, “It is finished!” If I say, “It is finished,” then why are you still resentful? Let go. Forgive, release, bless, and I will take you on, not in bondage to your past but in liberty moving into your future. 

The doom and gloomers are holding up and pointing to their false messiahs. I say to you that politics cannot save you. Removing the ancient landmarks doesn’t change where I say the finish line is. Press into My kingdom. Refuse to measure yourself or My esteem for you by the metric of man’s regard. I love you because I love you because I love you, and I will never stop loving you. My love militates toward you to defend you. My love wings are way in flight to rescue you. My love pours out its ointments into every wound, every scar, and every bitter disappointment to bring sweetness and light against not in the false glare of man’s perspective but in the light of My glory emanating from the throne that changes you from the inside out. Circumstances? If you are looking at them, you are submitting to them. If you regard the situation, you are making the situation *god* in your life without change and repentance, you may never rise about those limitations. What did Moses say when the people were attacked by serpents? He lifted up that which represented what I did on the Cross and said, “Look and live….” If you are distracted by the seen, allowing the unseen to be eclipsed and My power with it you will languish in delay and disappointment. Don’t “LOOK AT”. Rather, “LOOK THROUGH,” for when you look through, I will come and make My abode with you, and I will cause you to live the ASCENSION LIFE that the Cross so liberally paid for that you might enjoy My blessing in heaven yes, but in the here and now of what is going on around you as well. 

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