The Father Says Today: December 1st, 2019

The Father says today, I will never leave you without counsel regarding your life. I speak to you in dreams; I speak to you in visions; and, I speak to you in a thousand ways throughout your day about the myriads of issues that affect you (both great and small). My thoughts toward you are not general or vague. My thoughts toward you number more than the sands on all the beaches of the world. My thoughts toward you number more than the stars in the cosmos. In all of this, says the Father, there is not one sentiment found regarding you that falls outside of love. It is true there are times you do not feel My love toward you. Move toward the flame. Hearken to the intuitive voice of My Spirit inside you. Move toward the warmth of My love, and you will find yourself at My feet, for love is who I am and not just what I do. Hearken to your dreams. Write your dreams down. Dreams are the flashcards of the soul. I send these images to you nightly. Dreams are the hieroglyphs of My Spirit. I put the spirit of inquiry inside of you that you might decipher their meaning and find meaning and direction in life. Do not be as the fool who ignores and passes on to his destruction.

Dreams are the “magnetic-resonance scan of the Great Physician,” revealing slice by slice the minute images of things that influence and affect your life in the unseen realm of the spirit. Your mind does not often comprehend or even remember your dreams which are why you must go to My Spirit for interpretation. In so doing, you will find answers that you seek for things that are pressuring you. Your destiny is not far off, says the Father. Your destiny is wrapped around you each night as a comforting blanket. I nurse you each night in your dreams. I breastfeed you the milk of destiny to give you hope and expectation of great promise. Be not discouraged – trust. Trust Me and listen to Me and seek Me for understanding of things you do not comprehend. You will ascend into Me, says the Father, and you will take on My image and My character. You are more than a conqueror, so rejoice as I show you the battle plans of the day.

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