The Father Says Today: August 30th, 2020

The Father says today, if you aren’t rejoicing, you’ve already capitulated to the enemy. My kingdom doesn’t just bring joy; it IS joy. The enemy doesn’t have any defense against joy. Joy in your heart destroys hell’s strategy against you and causes the enemy to turn tail and retreat. When weeping overwhelms you in the night, dry your eyes, and rise up with joy in the morning. For My joy is leading you out and bringing you into the very center of the deliverance that is your portion. Be joyful and rejoice even when it is a sacrifice. Rejoice and be joyful even when you want to despair and cry your eyes out. It isn’t hypocrisy beloved; it is spiritual warfare against the enemy dead set on destroying your life. Be joyful. Embrace joy. Reach down into the deep aquifers of My Spirit within you and draw up the refreshing of My joy in the darkest of times. For My joy will carry you and transport you to the place of peace and blessing beyond all your expectations. I say Rejoice, and again I say Rejoice!

The enemy mocks and says, “why rejoice?” Rejoice because My kingdom is righteousness, peace, and joy. Never let the enemy rob you of your joy. Never allow yourself to wallow in self-pity. Get over it. Stand up, shake yourself off, and move on. Forgive, release, bless, and get on with the business of ruling and reigning in Christ. Let My river flow inside you. Stir up My joy within you for My joy is the river of salvation that makes glad the heart. Let My peace envelop you for you will go out with joy and be led forth with peace. Be militantly joyful. Be resolutely at peace even when all around you are in contention and strife.

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  • Thank You Lord for the remember that Your joy is my strength. Lord put a extra prep in my step and a song in my heart in Jesus’ name, Amen. Blessings, Shalom and Agape