The Father Says Today: April 29th, 2018

The Father says today, why seek the honor that comes from man rather than the honor that comes from God only? I have made you a life-giving spirit. You are not merely a creature of flesh and bone. You are a light being, made light by the Light that lights every man that comes into the world. You are the natural lens whereby eternal things may be glimpsed. Look deeply within and you will see Me looking back at you. Empty your hands and reorient your heart to the inward focus where I may be found. You are not waiting upon a time, or a place or a piece of information that will make everything different. I am in My Person your truth. I am your life. I am even your way – your method. It’s who I am and what I do. When others ask, what is your method? Say to them “I don’t need a method, all I need is Jesus.” If you have Me and you know you have Me, then what others think matters not at all.
Are you ready to cease from the sweat of your brow? Intellectual striving, religious straining, even physical effort will never perfect or bring about what I have promised you, says God. Empty your hands and open your heart. Hear the voice, even My voice that speaks in the silence between your own thoughts. Hear My deep that calls to your deep, even the whale song of My Spirit calling out from your inmost being. Come away from the shallows of religious experience and into the trackless depths where the deep waters of My truths will envelope you and change you at your very core. You will be known as you are known. You will see Me and become like Me, for you shall see Me as I AM. You do not have to strive. You do not have to earn in the shallows what I have freely given you in the deeps of My Spirit. I will not come to you in the shallows of religious things. You are going to have to come to Me, for that is where the healing waters flow. Can you take instruction? Are you correctable? Are you willing to be bendable, sendable and spendable? Let’s get going then, for the heavens await. You are bidden and you are welcome. You will never be the same.

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