The Father Says Today: April 26th, 2020

The Father says today, this is your hour to thrive and not merely survive. The enemy wants to limit you to a coping strategy of barely getting by, but that is not My plan. I came that you might have life and that more abundantly. Set abundance as your fundamental expectation, and from that point, know that I will do exceedingly beyond your highest heart’s desire. You have believed Me to meet your needs. Now go beyond that and believe that I will astonish you with My goodness and inundate you with My favor. The unhappy memories and sorrowful circumstances will only be an endnote of My greater faithfulness in your life. Your testimony is forthcoming, and it isn’t a tale of morbid suffering or terrible loss. I am the God of more than enough, and out of the repositories of heavenly substance, I am displaying My glory in you, around you, and through you in such a way that will unmistakably mark you as an Entitled One walking in the full provisions of the shed blood of Calvary.

Your faith is more than enough, says the Father. Your faith is doing for you what I would do for you if I were standing right in front of you. Your faith is the delivery system that lays your prayers upon the altar before My throne. Your prayers go up and are met with the manifest substance of My glory that will show up in your situation to meet every need that you have. My answer is “yes.” It isn’t necessary to talk Me into what I’ve already said “yes,” and “amen” to. My default posture toward you is in the affirmative, and you can go forth expecting Me to back you up in every situation and to endorse your efforts with the full weight of heaven’s provision. This is not a day to think small or to make small plans. Through your faith and your patience, you will overcome and succeed because I am in you, and you are not a failure because I am not a failure. Take your expectations to the bank of heaven and cash-out by faith the absolute promise of My word. You will not be disappointed!

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Other Comments

  • Israel Moussa says:

    Halleluuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Yah ! Halleluuuuuuuuuuuu Yah ! Thank You heavenly Father, Jehovah-Bara, El Shaddai, Jehovah-Chereb, El Olam, Jehovah-Hoshe’ah, Jehovah-Jireh, Jehovah-kabodhi, Jehovah-mephalti, Jehovah-Moshi’ech, Jehovah-‘Ori, Jehovah-Rohi, Jehovah-Rophe, Jehovah-Sabaoth, Jehovah-Shalom. May my life display Your power, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

  • Dear Father,

    For me, the key to my breakthrough relationship with You has been in the quiet place through constant prayer. It is through that prayer that we deepen our relationship with You and I can feel You taking control by responding in one way or another so quickly and precisely. It is so touching how You are taking shape in my life by constantly providing me with Your divine guidance, patience, problem solving skills and love. The more I lean on YOU and seek Your help in everything I do, the more I feel Your presence in my life steering me in a better direction. After I get Your answer to yet another request I ask of You, I literally sit in awe, how You once again take charge of my life and provide me with the best course of action.

    Praise You Father in Jesus’ precious name!

    Come quickly for us🙏🏻💕