Prophetic Word from Walter Waller to Russ Walden in January 2019:

The Father says, my heart aches for all who do not give all their heart to Me. I am in anguish about the choices that man is making. You know I do not want one to be lost…O, but the loss I feel for all who refuse Me. Who will only take me on their terms and guard their hearts from Me.? From Me… who has given without reserve? I gave everything, and in return, My son came back to me. True sacrifice will always come with anguish. True sacrifice means you will not think of yourself first.

The time has come for you to multiply yourself like never before.

As you take unto yourself, to your heart, disciples who will witness first-hand the daily price for weeks at a time. An everyday intensive experience that puts them in My face to establish change forever if followed every day.

To experience first-hand the sacrifice from where you have walked to where you are now. To show them examples of transparency that will put them in My arms for trusting unto death.

Lengthen your tent stakes and make room for ME by lengthening your tent stakes and making room for them for all I send. You want new energy and new depths of being alive, and I will not leave you without your request (being fulfilled). Your heart is crying out for more; this is how the more will come. Teach them every aspect of a balanced daily life walk. Teach them how to AIM themselves and FIRE!

I have placed in you spiritual riches that most can’t fathom but can if they are stretched as a new wineskin. I want the old wineskin to break so they will quit, being careful not to put too much pressure on it. On themselves.

I will release more to you as we go along and go together. Establishing this and sharing it on God TV and Elijah List TV will launch a new pattern for thousands. You will be on them a lot. I have given this platform to you, and you will prosper as you obey and do—the increase of My hand I shall release to you.

As you refuse to withhold your presence from ME, I will refuse to withhold MY presence from you. This is a law and principle I put into motion, and it governs everything. Teach it.

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