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Instant enrollment, no waiting, begin immediately and proceed at your own pace in this self-directed course. What can we learn from the following men and women of God? It is possible to identify movements that were impactful as well as lasting in their influence. We can look back through time and identify moves of God in the last 500-600 years that radically impacted their day and influenced the vitality of the Christian faith right down to modern times. We can learn from these people. God is no respecter of persons, but He is a respecter of faith. If we do with our faith what they did with their faith, we will experience the same results. Join us in exploring the life and ministry of great men and women who lead our nation in revival and awakening over the past 500 years. Great ones like John Hus and the Moravians, John Wesley, Edward Irving, John Dowie, John Lake, Evan Roberts and the Welsh Revival, William Seymour and Azusa Street, William Branham and the Latter Rain Outpouring, Phoebe Palmer, Hannah Whitall-Smith and Maria Woodworth-Etter, Charles Finney, FF Bosworth, Jack Coe, and others. As with the other courses, each lesson includes a text-based study with an accompanying video in this self-directed course.
Russ Walden is a prophet and marketplace minister with over 30 years of service in the kingdom of God. His life has given witness to many creative miracles, healings, and two resurrections from the dead. Russ has seen cancers and terminal illnesses reversed through the power of prayer and the gifts of the Spirit. The ministry Russ and Kitty move in is not just talking “about” Jesus, but it is about manifesting and activating the demonstration of God’s Spirit and the demonstration of God’s power!