A Powerful Prophetic Word from Prophet Russ Walden

A Powerful Prophetic Word from Prophet Russ Walden
Prophet Russ Walden gives a powerful prophetic word birthed out of a visitation in the office where this word is given. Transcription as follows: “Here is what I hear the Father saying over your life. I am resourcing you. Though resources have been scarce and supply has been thin – I am changing all of that. I will resource you from My glory even as I said in My word that I would supply all your need according to My riches in glory. There is no scarcity of glory says the Father, therefore there is and there will be no scarcity of supply. Money is no problem. Favor that you need is no problem. Get ready to shake loose into your life even today the low hanging fruit of My goodness that is within reach even now.
Reach out by faith says the Father. Extend your faith even in the midst of your need. What you make happen for others, I will make happen for you. Refuse the lie that says “I have done all that – there is nothing more to do…” That is the lie of the enemy that causes stagnation to enter in and frustration to rule your life. I have not called you to frustration I have called you to new purpose. I have called you to a new purpose funded by new funding. I am pro-vision therefore I am funding the vision. As you fund the needs of others I will bring you into surplus. Act now says the Father. Step out now. What you do now is much more powerful and effectual to change things than what you are waiting on Me to do or say further.
Remember the words of the prophet Elijah to the starving widow. “Make me a little cake first”. She thought she was about to eat and die. But she heard the word. She gave into the anointing that rested on the mantle of that man. The result was spectacular. The result was phenomenal. Hebrew widows starved but this Gentile woman was fed out of the economy of heaven. Know this today says the Father that I open a great door and an effectual door to bring you out of the economy man and into the economy of the kingdom. So, spend your faith. Spent it lavishly upon My purposes and upon the needy. As you follow Me and allow Me to spend you so I will fund you and resource you and cause you to enter the central currents of My purposes in this day and hour says the Father. “

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