The Father Says Today: December 21st, 2014

dpw-150The Father says today when you are under extreme pressure rely on My will to be working in yours. Submit to My greatness in the midst of the pressure you are facing and I will keep you from making the missteps of unbelief and fear. Break out of the “so what” attitude that dismisses the ancient promises of My word. Make it your purpose to talk louder to yourself than the voice of the enemy, the voice of doubt or the voice of the external stuff that is contradicting My promises in your life RIGHT NOW. Shake off the sediments of doubt and unbelief that have gathered like a residue around your spirit.
Call up your identity says the Father – your true identity as My beloved and know this as your true self. Every other image is a distortion of self originating with the enemy – reject these as total lies and see yourself as I see you. You are empowered. You are entitled. You are to be envied because what I am about to do in your life is off the charts and inevitable in spite of all the plans of the enemy. My will cannot be aborted therefore align your will with Mine and it will become a container for My sovereignty and My grace. This is your time says the Father. Step forward into My highest and best for that is the only inevitability that is controlling your life right now.

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