Prophetic Words from the 2017 Come Up Higher Tour:

Prophets Russ and Kitty are on a 40 day cross-country come up higher tour. In every city where they travel Russ was instructed to give the word of the Lord over that city. See below for each of these powerful words of blessing and insight: (for ITINERARY SEE HERE).       For the Dates […]


Prophecy by Kenneth Hagin Sr, 1963

Prophecy by Kenneth Hagin Sr, 1963 In 1963 Kenneth Hagin gave a prophetic word that rings very true and timely for the day we are living in. He even speaks prophetically of the eclipse if you are listening carefully and that it would come as a sign in a time of great racial unrest in […]


Prophetic Word to Kansas City (Video)

Prophetic Word to Kansas City Prophet Russ Walden brings a prophetic word to the Kansas City area. Transcript: I hear the Father say there is a new prosperity coming to Kansas City. I have ordained that the economies of the world will pour of their substance into the Kansas City area. Now is the opportunity […]


A Powerful Prophetic Word from Prophet Russ Walden

A Powerful Prophetic Word from Prophet Russ Walden Prophet Russ Walden gives a powerful prophetic word birthed out of a visitation in the office where this word is given. Transcription as follows: “Here is what I hear the Father saying over your life. I am resourcing you. Though resources have been scarce and supply has […]


Prophetic Word to South Africa:

The Father says prophesy to South Africa. Oh, South Africa! I have adorned your gates with fair colors and your foundations with precious stones. I have adorned you with favor and I have poured out upon you My goodness. I have brought you to a new day and a new season. I declare to My […]


Prophetic Word for the Year 2017

Prophetic Word for the Year 2017 This is the prophetic word from Prophet Russ Walden for the Year 2017. 2 Chron. 20:20 says “Believe the Prophets so sahll you prosper…” May this word launch you into your destiny and align yourself to God’s purpose in the coming year. TRANSCRIPTION: The Father says that 2017 is […]


The Net Breaking Catch is Yours!

The Net Breaking Catch is Yours! Source: Are you ready for a net breaking catch? Prophet Russ Walden examines what actually happened in John 21 when Peter and the disciples received a breakthrough in their lives that redefined their prospects and launched them into a level of supply they had been denied their whole […]


Breaking the Curse of the Vow of Poverty

Breaking the Curse of the Vow of Poverty Prophet Kitty Walden breaks the curse of the vow of Poverty that has kept God’s church and God’s people bound in limitation and lack. This is a word of power that will shift your financial fortunes as you agree with it and align yourself with the implications […]


Prophecy to the African-American People – 2016

Prophecy to the African-American People Source: Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden minister in Baltimore, MD at Restoration Temple (Host Apostle Jean Donnel). Prophet Russ brings a special prophetic word in this session on 9/11 for the African-American peoples: Word of the Lord to the African American People God works in a time frame of […]


A Vision for America

A Vision for America Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden The American Flag, Lady Liberty and Uncle Sam: I saw a night vision an American Flag. It was folded up like a beach umbrella so that the flag itself wrapped around it’s pole completely. It was suspended, horizontally about 5 feet off the ground. To the […]