God has a Voice. He will Not Leave You without Answers For Your Life!
To request a prophetic word for yourself or a loved one fill out the form. Our prophetic team will go to the Father on your behalf and send our response to the e-mail you provide.
Breakthrough School
BREAKTHROUGH SCHOOL is part of the mission of Father’s Heart Ministry to bless you and bring you to radical change in every area of your life. The courses, materials, and videos feature the teachings of Prophet Russ Walden. Russ draws upon over 30 years of experience in ministry, business, and raising a growing family to give you timeless wisdom and keys to breakthrough in your situation.
Subscribe to the Daily Prophetic Word
We want to be the Prophets in your life! Use this form to subscribe to the Daily Prophetic Word.

Request Personal Prophecy
God has a Voice. He will Not Leave You without Answers For Your Life!

Prophetic Counseling
A one on one connection to a veteran prophet is a rare opportunity…

Dream Interpretation
The Father is speaking. Hearing His Voice is Your Birthright in the Earth.

God Directed Giving Brings God Directed Breakthrough!
Prophets Russ and the FHM team are here to voice the FATHER’S HEART over your life (2 Chron. 20:20). We minister to people around the world and your giving helps make it possible for yourself and others to hear from God. What you make happen for others God will make happen for you.
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"Enjoy the study of the Word of God chapter by chapter with Prophet Russ Walden. For the video version click here."
Morning Light Bible Study
Get Your Whole Bible Back! Join Prophet Russ each day for Morning Light – a chapter by chapter bible study that will radically bless your life.

Partnering with Prophet Russ and the Father's Heart Ministry Team
We are here to be the prophets in your life! Our greatest desire is that YOU experience YOUR VERSION of OUR BREAKTHROUGH!