You Go Girl for God, Part 5

Chapter One (cont)

Pastor Tim Schneider who was one of the overseers, like with Women’s Aglow, you have an oversight pastor or two or three, before the gospel according to Cinderella started that night, he stood up and asked forgiveness from every woman in the room, all 600 of us, as a pastor and as a man he said, “I would like to repent for every man that ever beat you, for every man that ever slapped you, for every pastor that ever ignored you, for every husband that took advantage of you.” He named several scenarios, and they were getting it — this one guy repenting for all the men who had ever hurt any of these women.

The Bible says whoever’s sin you remit they are remitted, whoever’s sin you retain, they are retained. He is admitting sins to these precious women. From the git-go, God was talking to the women, and the women were listening. He was demonstrating His love. When I said, “I would like to invite you to come down here to the front of this huge theater if you would like to receive this Jesus that you have seen such a beautiful demonstration of. If you want to touch Him and give your life to Him, if you want to have that kind of experience where He will be with you forever, then just come to the altar.” Three hundred women went to the altar. You can’t make this stuff up. When God is all in it, He’s all in it.

We had lines of women giving their hearts to Jesus. Our team had been praying and praying for these women who were drug addicts, and some were hardcore. Here they were saying, “Yes, give me Jesus, give me Jesus.” So, thank you, God, for giving me the creativity, thank you God that he’s not done creating. He’s all about, every day, creating something new because He knows there is somebody out there that has to have a touch, and He will go to the ends of the earth to get a message to somebody. He will even use the Cinderella Story. Amen, Glory to God.
I had seen myself do all this before the conference started. When that night was done, and the altars were clear, we told them to get their gift basket, and that pizza is in your room when you get to your hotels. When they had all left, I was on my face again, thanking God for not leaving me in that mire, not leaving me in the ash heap. Like Cinderella, taking me out of that pit; that horrible, horrible pit and then thanking Him for every soul that was touched, every life that was changed because of that demonstration of His love.

When I finished praying, I started to walk out to the back of the theater and my boss, Mike Meese, was standing there. He said, “Kitty, why are you working for the Promise theater?” I said, “Because I need a job.” He said, “No, no Kitty, you can preach, girl, you can preach.” I said, “I know I can preach, but I have to do what is necessary for my family, and I have to do things in order. God wanted me to do this now, and we got it done, but I will go, and I will preach.” After that, God opened the door and I got to lead the Promise theater, and after that, He took me into full-time ministry. Be faithful with little, and He will make you ruler over much more to be faithful over.

I know a lot of women there in Branson and even perhaps here in Arizona that can’t relate to running up into the Father’s arms and giving Him a big squeeze or running into Jesus. A lot of times people can’t relate to that because they didn’t have a dad that was touchable, that was reachable, that was accessible, or there were abandonment issues. There was so much abuse in those women from the shelters, and if you haven’t had that kind of abuse, it’s hard to relate. But I’m here to tell you that His arms are open wide. If you have experienced hurt, heartbreak, or distance, then you might have some issues and scars. What He wants you to do now, possibly the reason you’re reading this book, is to run into His arms; run into His open arms.

Did you ever lose a shoe, did you ever get out of balance in life and you needed to run to Him, but you ran away like Cinderella ran away? We need to turn and run to Him because He has a solution to every pollution that has ever happened to you. It doesn’t take long to make an adjustment. I know that there has been wounding. I’m a woman, I know, there has been hurt, and there needs to be forgiveness. You need to forgive the one who hurt you. Maybe some pastor, it wasn’t fair to you, some husband, some boyfriend, other people who have wounded you

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