You Go Girl for God, Part 4

Chapter One (cont)

Fast forward to when we started praying in this big theater. That afternoon that we were allowed to go into this building, all of a sudden, you could see looking up at the lights that the air was twinkling and sparkling. The Lord knows I am telling you the truth. Silver and gold dust and colored glitter started manifesting in that theater, getting all over the chairs. All we were doing was praying. Don’t you just love intercessors? Somebody pray! Because God will show up if somebody will pray! It started and then just got thicker and thicker and we were just walking around trying to get all our ducks in a row. Somebody called attention to it and said oh, that is pretty, that is really pretty. We were too busy doing work to notice.

The stage manager, who was my friend, called me on the radio and said, “Kitty, you gotta tell those girls they cannot go in the back where the dressing rooms are because they have gotten glitter everywhere taking their stuff in and out.” I said, “They haven’t been back there.” It was Himself manifesting. He always will move in signs and wonders, and why? He’ll make people wonder and get their attention, and then they’ll say, “Take me to your leader.” Many of them will because they see something that doesn’t register in their heads, but they know something is going on. They want to believe, so God will do something to get their attention. That was just an amusing thing. I said, “Trust me, nobody has a glitter bottle here.” But it stayed the entire three days we were at this conference.

I was sharing with the ladies and said, “I know for a lot of you, it is hard to understand the love that Jesus would give you, so we prepared some pageantry to help you get a visual of how much Jesus loves you. Girls, you can come to Jesus at any time. You can be 6 or 60; you can be 8 or 80, you can come at any age.” I had prepared four brides, one was 8, one was 20, one was 60, and one was 80. We had Jesus stepping off of a very high platform, in his white tux, his silky brown hair, beautiful beard. He was walking down to that song, ‘Can I Have This Dance for the Rest of My Life,’ with many verses about God’s love for us and what He wants to do for us, all of our lives.

The house lights went dark, and all the focus was on Jesus. All of these brides are in wedding gowns, but they have black gauze covering them. So, it’s dark in the house, there are four big aisles, and the four brides are slowly walking down the aisles to the stage. At this point, Jesus steps over and first takes the hand of that little 8-year-old bride, and He drops the veil of sin (the black gauze), and He brings her up on stage, kisses her on her forehead, waltzes her across the stage and parks her. There is not a dry eye in the house because God is manifesting the love that Jesus has for His daughters. These girls are seeing love like they have never seen love before.

Then he proceeded to do the same thing with the 20-year-old bride, 60-year-old bride, and the 80-year-old bride. He would waltz them, kiss them on the forehead, and just begin to back away, the lights go off of him and come up in the house. I said, “Ladies, that is a demonstration of how much He loves you. I know a lot of you have not even had an opportunity to know Him or even see the sweetness of Christ, our Savior, who died for us. I would like to offer you an invitation, but I know that most of you don’t even know what an invitation is.”

This is how the Lord said to do this as an altar call and an invitation. I said, “You are under arrest, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney” …the Miranda Rights. It was like they were pows. It shattered through because they needed to be shattered in order to break through to their hearts. I said, “but you don’t have to go to prison, you don’t have to stay in bondage, you don’t’ have to stay in jail. You have been given an advocate already. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ. He has already paid the price; He has already spilled His blood so that you could come to Him.” The ladies were weeping all over the house because His love was registering in their hearts. Isn’t that the goodness of God that leads men and women to repent? We had 65 Christian women prepared to pray for these women

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