When You Can’t Take it Anymore

Occasionally we answer an e-mail from a friend or supporter who is at the end of their tether. Every situation is different but the encouragement we give others in a confidential reply may also help you in your struggle. Today we answered just such an e-mail and protecting the anonymity of our friend we want to share with you some breakthrough counsel that will help you in your situation. Before you read on – it is important that you understand we don’t give untested or unproven advice. We know whereof we speak. The scripture says “tell what you have seen and heard…” If you don’t speak from experience that is a form of deception no matter how biblical your counsel is. We only speak out of our experience of living a life where everything we say and do is as effective as if God said it or did it. Sound unrealistic? Only to those who haven’t lived it. What we give you here comes from hard won experience and many tears and frustrations. Things can be different. Radically different but it begins with you and the simple things we share with you here as your mentors, prophets and pastors.

When You Can’t Take it Anymore and Don’t know What to Do:
  1. When you go to bed at night as you are drifting off to sleep ask the Father “Lord I’m capable of hearing and you are capable of speaking – if you want me to do anything differently than I am now please tell me …” This is one of the most effective prayers I have ever prayed under pressure. It is important to pray this prayer right before going to sleep so it is the last thing you are thinking of as you doze off.
  2. Write down your dreams. No matter how insignificant. Things that don’t make sense or seem to have meaning may hold the most prospects for breakthrough. The whole point is connecting to God’s voice. If you want help understanding your dreams we have a Breakthrough Course on Biblical Dream Interpretation OR you can submit your dream request for interpretation, on our website.
You Have Vision – but Nothing is Happening:

Remember this – that the ache in your heart is the prophecy over your life. Remember when you (or your wife) were pregnant? Remember how miserable it was when your babies came to term? Remember how absolutely urgent it was when the time came to “push”? God doesn’t tease. You are pregnant with vision even if you don’t know what it is (as years ago when we didn’t know the gender of a child before it came forth…) It isn’t comfortable but it is a part of God’s anointed process.

In the meantime keep moving forward. Keep working on the tasks before you. Don’t give up. Do what you can do. What you can do may not seem like much but little is much when God is in it. Falling into a spiral of inactivity and hopelessness can be kept short term if you will constantly and resolution keep working at your goals even if you feel all is lost. This is because the kingdom doesn’t come with observation – the opposite of that is DOING something ….

  1. do what you can,
  2. with what you have,
  3. stick with it. Despise not small things or seeming futile projects
When Your Family and Loved Ones are in Trouble:

Regarding loved ones in trouble … it can be very challenging to have faith and be at peace where the will or willfulness of our loved ones is concerned …. over the years I have learned to pray through the decisions of others with great effectiveness. The important thing is to set your opinions aside and put it in God’s hands. To go to God daily – DAILY and say “Father – you see this situation in my loved one’s life – I am hear to give AN ACCOUNT (or accounting – like a report card) on this situation. I am not telling you what to do but you said you would act if I would take responsibility for this in prayer ….”

I could give you a 6 week series on how that simple prayer will move heaven and earth in the matter of the willful or errant choices of others. It is the only safe prayer I have learned to pray that doesn’t make matters worse. This also works with estranged family members. You see you have authority far more than you know or feel. When you go to God as a recognized authority in the lives of others (from God’s standpoint whether any one else understands) God will move heaven and earth to change the situation.

Now God won’t FORCE these people and you must not either – but in “giving an account” daily in prayer you put it in God’s hands and make it a matter of trust. Be sure to thank him for acting in the situation and then LEAVE IT with Him to the point that your emotions begin to respond to the fact that you have rolled the care of this over on Him. Be careful for nothing but in everything give thanks. Refuse to worry about anything – hard for a parent and hard for anyone you have emotional connection to but it is necessary.

Don’t Let the Enemy Run a Game on Your Emotions:

Don’t let the enemy run a game on your emotions. Refuse to react at seeming set backs. Settle in to your spirit where God lives and be at peace. The kingdom is peace. Let the peace rule in your heart.

Keep Seeking the Kingdom:

Lastly – keep seeking the kingdom. These things are all distractions. This is the enemy taking your eyes off the harvest. As long as it works (to distract you) then the enemy keeps it up. You must ask yourself DAILY what “seek the kingdom looks like) in small ways and large. Get others oriented. Invest yourself away from yourself. Find ways to make happen for others what you want God to happen for you. Give yourself away from yourself. Give hope, comfort and inspiration to others. Remember Jesus when he heard John the Baptist was dead – he at first withdrew and then went out and had a great healing campaign “healing all” and “delivering all”. This is of vital importance for as you seek the kingdom “all things will be added” including all of the things you are concerned about now. I know whereof I speak.

If you aren’t sure where to start just do something simple. If you want what you have never had before you must do what you have never done before. Also consider a break in your routine – go somewhere you have never been before. Take a trip. Take a spiritual vacation to somewhere where you can hear God. Getting out of your environment if it is just going to the next town to a restaurant or spa or library you have never visited you can experience great vision breakthrough …. all of these are strategies have taken us from a place of restriction and struggle and catapulted us into our blessing and breakthrough!

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