The Father says today, learn to press into the pressure. Meet the enemy’s resistance with a firm resolve to overcome and defeat every strategy of hell against you. The enemy will relent when you confront him with the audacity of your faith and the depth of your trust in My word. When difficulties come, anchor your sense of self in the peace of My person, for I am your peace and will break down every wall raised against you to keep you back or hold you bound. Maintain your confidence, not in yourself or in the arm of flesh, but in the covenant made on your behalf on Calvary, and then you will see of the travail of your soul and be satisfied.
Let your mouth praise. Let your heart sing My praises. Praise is comely when the heat is on in the trial. When you praise Me despite difficulties, you are amplifying Me into the situation. You are learning to move in the opposite spirit that is ranged against you in your situation. Your praises are arrows into the heart of the enemy. Your acknowledgments of My goodness in the land of the living are signal flares of deliverance for the angels vectoring in on your position to strengthen you and war on your behalf. Praise Me and then praise Me again. Ascend in worship and descend in warfare, and you will not be overwhelmed or defeated in any way. I am with you and will never leave you nor forsake you, for I have set you as the pupil of My eye. I will defend you and preserve you and bring you out into your blessing place intact and on time, and that right early, says the Father.
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Bernard La Chance says:
Amen father!
Tebogo says:
Praises are in order my Lord because they come from a joyful heart to a loving father! Thank you Lord for your loving kindness in Jesus Name!
A Reed says:
Yes, Lord. I will continually give you praises due unto You. In Jesus’ name. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.
Lisa says:
Timely Word for myself. Thank you. PraiseGod