The Father Says Today: September 30th, 2019

The Father says today, I am your source and not man. There are those who think you cannot make it without them. They think they are indispensable to your survival. They think you cannot prosper unless you are in their good graces. I am going to reveal to them the treasuries that I have stored up for you. I am the one in charge of the economies of the earth, and I will provision you according to My good pleasure. As I work in your life to increase and promote you, no man will be able to say that he made you rich or that you need him to make it on the earth. You are in My employ, says the Father, and I will provision you from My favor and according to My good pleasure. I am not a miser counting My pennies and planning on just how impoverished you can live and still call Me Lord!
Know this beloved; I became poor so that you can be rich. I suffered the lack of all things and was stripped of that which was rightfully mine so that you might live in houses you did not build and partake of vineyards you did not plant. I am foolishly fond of you. The biggest complaint of the onlookers will be that I have spoiled you with My goodness! Fret not when the evildoers’ rage. Do not regard their words when they remind you of how much you need them. You only need one thing and one thing only – to sit at My feet and find your protection and preservation in the secret place of the Most High.

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