The Father Says Today: September 26th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that the enemy wants you to think he has you surrounded by problems and difficulty and that there is no escape. This is the lie that you must choose to refuse and not accept. Make it your determination not to listen or to give heed to the smoke and mirrors threats of the dark one, says the Father. I am on line, and on task and my angels have been dispatched to bring you through the challenge of this day and deposit you in a manifestation of glory and deliverance in a completely unexpected way. Your enemy will scratch his head and be befuddled and puzzled. For though he is certain he has you in his grasp you will evade and escape and come into a place of triumph and victory that will not be overcome says the Father. You will never be smothered or be crushed by the enemy of your soul. Though embarrassments and perplexity may rise up in the circumstance, despair and failure will not be your portion. Refuse to give in to despair. Refuse to agree with the way people see you, choosing only to see your self through the lens of the shed blood of Calvary.
Though the enemy pursue you and persecute you, I will never desert you. I will never leave you to stand alone against the assault of hell against your life. No matter what the obstacle may be says the Father, I say to you never give in, never yield. Refuse to give the enemy that which he demands. Rather, yield in humility, contrition and tenderness of heart to My words and my guidance and yes at times correction, and yes even the correction of a loving Father. You will not be denied says the Father because I will not be denied. You will not be delayed because I will not be delayed. Though others may faint in a time of adversity you will remain strong and courageous so be persistent and undaunted in your faith. Refuse to quit. I am not a quitter therefore you are not a quitter. Because I get to have it all, even so you get to have it all says the Father, when you adopt My mind and My heart response to the people and the circumstances that rise up against you. So be valiant and fearless. Be resolute. For no weapon formed against you will prosper. Victory is yours in the relentless pursuit of total and complete acquisition of all that Calvary affords you in this life.

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