The Father Says Today: September 22nd, 2019

The Father says today, I am bringing you back to a place of new beginnings, says the Father. The territory will look familiar. The exception will be that you are not the same person you were before. You have learned that I am a God of provision. You have learned that I am a God of preservation. You have experienced My protection and will not get fooled again. Your friends and acquaintances only know who you were before. The changes I have wrought in your inner man will have gone unnoticed. When you walk in a growth pattern with Me, some relationships will go by the wayside, and some relationships will be strengthened. Do not spend time grieving over this because change is the inevitable consequence of growth.
Hold everything loosely, says the Father. As you empty your hands and allow Me to reshape your social environment, you will have more time and energy for the Kingdom pursuits I have commissioned for you. There will be a new connection just ahead. This will be a new friendship that is not based on commonality or compatibility but will be based on My presence and a partnership of service in My Kingdom. You will be seen as an odd couple, and you will be a sign and wonder. Enjoy and embrace this partnership with revelry and abandon. This friendship will be the hallmark of a new transition in your life from where you have been to where I am taking you.

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