The Father Says Today: September 22nd, 2012

The Father says today that there are not many travelling companions on the narrow path. In fact there are times it will be just you and I alone. I created you to be a social creature and it is true I set the solitary in families but there is a season and an hour that you must push forward without the comfort of a circle of support. Know this says the Father that I will never forsake you and I will never leave you. I will reproduce Myself in you and give you inward strength when every outward resource is no longer available.
I am the friend that sticks closer than a brother, more intimate than your nearest family member. In those moments that the isolation sets in you will come to know where the idols in your heart are found. Go ahead and dig them up and eject them from your affections. I am a jealous God and will tolerate no other says the Father. So despair not neither question the winding unusual turns that you may take. Just know that I am here and under My pinions you will never come to harm.
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