The Father Says Today: October 8th, 2022

The Father says today, let My quiet confidence be your strength today. I am present where My word lives. As you allow My word to take shape and gestate on the inside of you, there will be no need to react, panic, or respond to the things that are contrary to My promise in your life. Beloved, this day, allow the sinew of My strength to become the iron in your backbone, the flint in your forehead, and the determination that you will not allow anything, or anyone, to get in the way of your peace that I have bestowed upon you this moment.

You are a principality and a power. You are actually more than a principality and a power, and actually more than a conqueror. But, I have to spoon-feed the kingdom mentality to you while I expunge from your thinking the limiting, religious drivel that has been saturating the environment around you. Rest in Me, says the Father, and behold, your enemies go down like stones, thrown in the raging rivers of My justice.

Prophet Russ Walden

Prophet Russ, I am a Participator in God’s Kingdom – Not a Mere Observer!
I Receive My Manifestation of Breakthrough!

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