The Father Says Today: October 7th, 2022

The Father says today, do not be distracted by the fury of the enemy, rather be CAPTIVATED by My love. My capacity to deliver is only matched by My ability to deliver you from the fury of the enemy. Why would you give credence to the losing team, says the Father? You do know that My DNA on the inside of you is the DNA of inherent victory. No more worry. No more fear. No more wondering or pining away over problems THAT WILL NEVER find you, bind you, or take from you that which I have bestowed.

Shake yourself, says the Father. Shake yourself from the tentacles and coils of the Python Spirit that would deny you that which I died to provide. I am standing between you and calamity, and I am bearing the sinews of My right hand on your behalf. There is NOTHING fair about the good fight of faith! I am going to put My foot in the enemy’s neck and stand there laughing while you pummel the daylights out of him. You win, says the Father. Stop worrying!

Prophet Russ Walden

Prophet Russ, I am a Participator in God’s Kingdom – Not a Mere Observer!
I Receive My Manifestation of Breakthrough!

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  • Thank you for this encouraging prophetic word. Very timely. It helps me put my focus back align with the truth of God and His Word. Reminding me that worrying can’t add a single hair strand on my head. Thank you. Blessings, Shalom and Agape. 👀🙏🏽❤📖🙏🏽