The Father Says Today: October 27th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that drunkenness and worry proceed from the same place. You would not drown your life in alcohol would you? Then why drown your spirit in worry and fretfulness and fear. Get your mind off what you think is going on and look to Me. Regardless of what is on the other side of the door of tomorrow I am already there. Your situation didn’t take Me by surprise. I am not pacing before the throne wondering how I am going to get you out of this one. What are you worrying about? I am on your side. I will show up on time, and on target and on budget. There will be no loss for I am your provisioning for every challenge.
You really aren’t much of a challenge says the Father. You didn’t think you were straining My resources did you? Your situation really isn’t all that complicated regardless of what your mind insists or the enemy suggests. Look unto Me. Relax! You are going to enjoy watching Me get you out of this one. You will look back and say “God you are just too much! What else could possibly go right?” So go ahead and thank Me says the Father. Thank Me now beforehand because you will wish you had and be ashamed if you choose not to believe My good promise which I certify before you now.

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