The Father Says Today: October 26th, 2022

The Father says today; I have birthed you into the peculiarity of My kingdom. Do not be amazed or concerned in any way at the glances and frowns of those who know little or nothing of My glory. They will scowl at you with their askance glances, but in the moment of desperation, they will grasp your hand and clutch your sleeves, and plead that the peculiarities evidenced in your life would be their portion as well. I am a peculiar God and a particular God, and I have raised you up to be particular and a peculiar people by My hand!

I choose the weak, says the Father. I choose the base. I choose the foolish and the rejected and despised. I choose you, says the Father. Be free this day from the expectations of man and the falseness of human pride, image, and dignity. Know you are accepted, approved, and have the permission of heaven to come out of the stuck place you are in. I give you leave to tread My courts and to find a place of habitation where others would never be able to enter. You are My beloved and the object of My affection. From My high and Holy Hill this day, I am wrapping you up in My goodness and making Myself known as the Creator and your ever-present supply.

Prophet Russ Walden

Prophet Russ – I Know God Has Chosen Me for Glory – Today!

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Other Comments

  • This is so very comforting to me right now. So many negative messages can come at you from, friend and foe alike. To know that Abba Father has the final say and will use me to accomplish His purposes, regardless of what others say or do, is a joy to my soul and spirit. Thank You!!