The Father says today, make a holy noise. The voice of praise is stilled in death; how shall the dead praise Me? You are not of the dead; you are of the living. Get noisy in your praise today, says the Father. Be inappropriate with your praise. Let your praise be of an exuberance that offends every religious spirit in the room. There is no dignity in tightly clasped hands, closed lips, and closed hearts. Open your heart, your mouth, your hands, and praise with militancy! Clap your hands, yes, smite your hands together over your enemy, for your enemy is defeated before he draws his weapon, says the Father.
Rejoice, says the Father. Rejoice and know that My song is a song that sings in the song that you sing. My song thunders and rumbles through the earth, shattering the bars of iron and the gates of brass that have held My people from their joy. The river of joy is reaching you today, says the Father. It is bubbling up within to wash away the ashes of mourning and the grave clothes, the sackcloth of sorrow. Be restored in your rejoicing, says the Father, for it is a new day, a day of blessing, renewal, and restoration, even in the sinews and tissues of your youth, your mind, and your spirit. Release the shout and the flood of your mouth, and I will be known, seen, and manifested in your land!
Prophet Russ Walden
Prophet Russ – I Accept the Invitation of God into His Boundlessness!
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A Reed says:
I receive this prophetic word from the Fathers heart to mine as I hear Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say Rejoice. Thank you. Blessings, Shalom and Agape. 👀🙏🏽📖❤️🙏🏽