The Father Says Today: October 24th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today I am not an absentee Father. You are not a latchkey kid in the kingdom. I know what things you have need of. I am an ever-present God in the time of trouble. Call unto Me in the time of trouble and I will answer you – in fact I will answer you speedily. When you understand the pace at which I act in your life you will never wonder “where is God in all of this?” You will never say “what took you so long”? I said in My word “behold I come quickly” and yet it has been two millennia. Are you ready for “quickly”? Are you truly prepared for SUDDENLY says the Father?
You haven’t seen or fathomed the suddenly that I am bringing in to your life and your experience says your God. I am about to step into your boat and the storm raging around you will cease. Calm will come. Though you be in the midst of a raging process you will come to yourself at My feet in the bow of your boat and know you are suddenly at land. I am the God of time and happenstance and there is nothing too hard for Me. So get ready. Eat your meat with your staff in your hand and your sandal on your feet for the move is on and the landscape of your life is about to radically change.

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