The Father Says Today: October 20th, 2022

The Father says today that My kingdom in your life is neither neutral nor passive. I do not sit astride in your life with detached amusement while you struggle and suffer. I am touched with the feelings of your infirmities. I have provided a solution and an exit strategy from the struggle. My kingdom is My reign, and I share power with no one. I am breaking down the illegitimate authorities that would encroach upon you. My authority is coming into your time-space experience and giving you a release from bondage into a willing partnership and yieldedness to My order and My reign.

I have always been Absolute Sovereign in your life, says the Father. There has never been a time from the day of your birth that I have not been in TOTAL CHARGE. Embrace My Lordship. Allow Me not only to be SAVIOUR but LORD, GOD, POTENTATE, and RULER. This is not a negotiation, says the Father. This is your opportunity to vacate the failed rule of self fully and step into the ascension experience and know deliverance, healing, provision, and destiny on a magnitude that you have dreamed about but have yet to experience. This is your NOW, and this is the moment that I will be known as I am known on your behalf.

Prophet Russ Walden


Prophet Russ – This is My Now Season – I Recieve the Touch of God, Today!

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