The Father Says Today: November 4th, 2021

The Father says today that the gavel of Divine Justice is coming down in your favor. I have wrapped you in the mantle of My love and hidden you this day from the strife of tongues. Take hold of the shield and the buckler I have afforded you in the Spirit and know that no harm will come to you, no not even one hair of your head will be singed by the fire you are walking through right now. You’ve asked and you’ve pleaded and you have interceded and petitioned and I’ve heard you in a time appointed and this day I stand up to help you and to confound and put to shame those that devise your hurt. I’ve given them space to repent and I’ve given them years to turn in their thinking and now I will wait no longer for I will not allow the mercy I’ve shown them to result in cruelty at their hands against you.

This is the hour of chastisement and correction says the Father so stay in the place of humility. Be correctible. Be self-maintaining, not requiring punishment but having a ready ear to hear all that My Spirit is directing you regarding. Those enemies? What of them. I’ve told you in times past – forgive, release and bless. Leave them to Me. If you can’t forgive them you unnecessarily suffer as one who is not forgiven! If you cannot release even your most vile enemy then the chain remains on your ankle. I have determined to bless you but if you can’t bless your enemy with a true and honest heart then all the bounty I’ve held in store for you will be restrained so I say again bless those that have used you and lied on you and taken from you for in so doing you secure your own benefit and launch yourself into a new blessing place in My kingdom.

Prophet Russ Walden

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