The Father Says Today: November 18th, 2019

The Father says today, I am going to show the world what My church looks like in the wild. The four walls of religion are being obliterated in human culture. The ghetto of religion will no longer imprison My people. I am raising up lion-like warriors who are breaking out of the limitations of culture and religion. They will show what My church is capable of when released into its native habitat. Nations will tremble and political systems will reel as the world realizes they can no longer contain or restrain My sons and My daughters.

Sound the advance, says the Father. It is time to go forward and seize the prey from the mouth of the lion and the paw of the bear. I have heard the cries of the miserable and the bound. I have heard the cries of those languishing in poverty and sickness. I have heard the cries in the night of those who are perishing, says the Father. The hills will melt, and the mountains will flow down as I descend into My people in a fresh, new manifestation of power and deliverance. You are My instrumentality, says the Father. Let your mouth speak My verities. Let your hand be the first hand to touch the sick. Let your hearts be the first responders to the destitute and the naked. I am about to turn the societies of men on their axis and bring their focus riveting onto My occupying force of sons and daughters who have determined to maintain no other fidelity than to My name and to My Kingdom!

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