The Father Says Today: November 17th, 2022

The Father says today, Do not look back. I say again, Beloved – do not look back. Do not look to the things that are behind you but look to the things that lie ahead. I have prepared great and tremendous things ahead for those people that will obey my word and those people that will walk in My Spirit. I have great and mighty things that I want to do on the earth, says the Lord. But I need willing, obedient, and humble people. I need people that are willing to pay the price, people that are willing to turn from the things of the world and give me their whole life, completely and totally dedicated to me. With no compromise, with nothing of the world, but just looking unto me, being so obedient unto me that they move in My Spirit.

Prophet Russ – I’m Not Looking Back – Today!

Because it ISN’T by might. I’ve told you and told you and told you “Not by Might, Not by Power, but by My Spirit…” It isn’t your might and it’s not men’s power, but it’s My Spirit that is going to do the things in the earth that I’m going to do, and the only way you can be a part of it is to walk in my Spirit, but you must draw yourself away with me, says your God.

Prophet Russ – I Want You to Be the Prophet in My Life!

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Prophet Russ Walden

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