The Father Says Today: November 17th, 2020

The Father Says Today: November 17th, 2020

By Prophet Terri Allen

The Father says today, I am invested in the integrity of your character. I paid a price for you to not only see the beauty of My holiness but to walk fully in it. When I say worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, I fully intend for you to have the grace to walk in My holiness with power. My mercies are new every morning, so receive today My abundance of grace to walk uprightly before Me and know the Joy of My Salvation. Holiness is not a drudgery but a pleasure, and they who are holy shall know the pleasure of the Lord.

Where you have been walking on the edge and the foray into unrighteousness has held you captive bringing you much distress; I say to you today; you are being released from the captivity of darkness, and My Shepherds rod is leading you into the center of the path and into the center of My will. My strengthening grace is being infused into all who will call upon My name and I will show you the path of righteousness that leads you into the fullness of the destiny I have planned for you, says the Father.

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  • Thank you for this Gatnabus word. This word of encouragement. For all need a Barnabuds, a son or daughter of encouragement. The battle may be rife, Yet the victory unbeaten. Keep on encouraging others, then in due course, the Lord shall encourage you. God’s Word shall definitely accomplish the task for which it is sent out to do. None of His Words fall to the ground! Prepared hearts shall produce much fruit.

  • Yes Lord. Please order my steps according to Your word. In Jesus’ name. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.

    • Martha Jackson says:

      As I was walking today, I asked the Father to forgive me for my slackness in spending time with Him. Also, I said my desire is to become even closer to Him, to hear His voice clearly, and to be quick to do what He has said. That word is for me. Thank you, Father.